Congratulations to University of Huddersfield Graduates
The 9th November 2022 was a special day for the history of nursing and allied fields when three of Professor Christine Hallet’s students graduated.

Dr Sarah Rogers with her supervisors Professors Chris Hallett and Dr Janet Hargreaves
Dr Sarah Roger’s PhD is entitled ‘A Maker of Matrons’? A study of Eva Lückes’s influence on a generation of nurse leaders: 1880–1919 . This meticulousy crafted prosopographic study traced 474 of the nurses who became matrons having trained or worked under Lückes, and explored their careers and social class. Free from the constraints of a PhD, Sarah now hopes to write a biography of Eva Lückes’s life.

Professor Chris Hallett celebrating with her former students (from left to right) Joseph, Sarah, Chris and Beth
Master’s Student Joseph Mellodrew’s thesis is entitled Heroism, Shame & Morality: National Identity and the British Response to Poison Gas in the First World War(1915-1918) . Through it he takes us into the contested and difficult territory of the memories and morality of the Frst World War.
Master’s Student Beth Richardson-Smith tackles an equally challenging topic in her thesis Visible and Invisible: Masculinity, Stigma and Facial and Psychological Injuries of the First World War.

Master’s Students Joseph Mellodrew and Beth Richardson-Smith with Dr Sarah Rogers and PhD Student Amanda Gwinnup
Amanda Gwinnup was also able to join the celebrations, whilst fitting in some valuable library work in the margins! Amanda’s proposed research title is: Hidden Disabilities and Invisible Illnesses: Agency and Identity in Britain’s Disabled Veteran First World War Nurses.
We wish Amanda all the best as she is writing up, and we encourage Sarah, Joseph and Beth as they continue their research into the future.