About the Association
The mission of the United Kingdom Association for the History of Nursing (UKAHN) is to promote the development and advancement of Nursing History. This is achieved through scholarly work and public outreach. Further, the Association brings together individuals and associations in order to provide mutual support and opportunities for collaboration.
The purpose of the Association is to provide a United Kingdom focus for the development of the discipline of Nursing History. It has three aims:
- To promote scholarly work in Nursing History, by providing a mutually supportive network of individuals working in the field and by creating opportunities for direct collaboration on significant research projects.
- To promote the public understanding of Nursing History, by supporting initiatives for public engagement.
- To gain recognition for the discipline of Nursing History throughout the United Kingdom. This will be achieved in several ways:
- by accessing existing links with key disciplines, such as Nursing, History, and Medical History;
- by organising high profile events, including international conferences;
- by supporting significant outreach initiatives such as museums and popular events;
- by producing high quality publications;
- through the UKAHN online Bulletin
The Association is autonomous and self-governing. As a constituent member of the European Association for the History of Nursing (EAHN). The Association is eligible to send at least one member to a European Coordinating Committee of the EAHN.
The membership comprises individuals who are historians of nursing. The membership is intended to be inclusive. Members may be nurses or non-nurses, and might or might not hold an appointment in a recognised academic institution. An individual from any part of the world may join the UKAHN, (and thereby become a member of the EAHN) and will be entitled to receive the Bulletin of the UKAHN, have access to its website and attend meetings run by the Association.
To become a member of UKAHN simply sign up to our mailing list. For any questions about membership feel free to visit the ‘contact us’ page.
Scholarly Activities
The Association hosts at least one event each year, including the Colloquium in the History of Nursing. The Colloquium is an opportunity for new researchers to discuss their work with more experienced historians of nursing and for experienced historians of nursing to discuss new research ventures. The opportunity to submit abstracts for this event is open to all. The UKAHN also supports major European academic conferences. The UKAHN publishes an online Bulletin, details of which can be found on the website. It also supports collaborative scholarly ventures, such as externally-funded research projects.
Steering Group
Dr Amanda Gwinnup – Communications Manager, Webmaster, Bulletin production & Editorial Board | Independent Scholar
@WW1NurseHist |
Dr Janet Hargreaves- Editorial Board | Retired Professor of Professional Education, University of Huddersfield |
Prof Alannah Tomkins – Director, Treasurer & Bulletin Editor | Professor of Social History, Keele University
@AlannahTomkins |