UKAHN Colloquium 2024: University of Greenwich

UKAHN is pleased to announce that our annual colloquium will be held in Greenwich, UK and will be organised by Justin Stephens, Senior Lecturer (mental health nursing), School of Health & Human Sciences, University of Greenwich.

Book your attendance now

The date for the 2024 Colloquium has been confirmed for Friday, June 28th and will be held at University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, London SE10 9LS. The day will begin at 0930 and the finish time will be confirmed once the programme has been agreed. Delegate fee will be £50. Information regarding the booking process will be announced once it is finalised.

Call for Papers and Posters

Please submit abstracts of approximately 250 words by the 8th of March 2024 in the following format to:



Aims & focus of the research

Methods and/or sources

Key areas for discussion


This colloquium, like our previous events, is inclusive. Anyone who wishes to submit an abstract for research that involves the history of nursing is invited to submit.